Algoa Toyota 4x4 Club 25th Anniversary
![Algoa Toyota 4x4 Club 25th Anniversary](/uploads/1/image/algoa_toyota_4x4_club_25th_anniversary.png)
The Algoa Toyota 4x4 Club turns 25 this year.
We are planning an Amazing Race to various check points stops around Port Elizabeth with a short section of Off-road included.
The off-road section will be suitable for soft roaders and bakes with diff lock. You will also be able to participate in the amazing race in a normal car, with a few penalty points for not doing the off-road section.
We will be inviting other 4x4 Clubs and drivers to join us on the day.
There will be Great Prizes, Raffles and a whole day of family fun with a Spit Braai at the Algoa Toyota 4x4 Club.
The information of the 25 year anniversary celebrations is here:
When: 03 October 2015
Timing: 9am - Registration opens
10am - Mystery Run begins
5pm - Prize Giving
6pm "ish" - Spitbraai
Entry: Entry forms attached.
What: - The mystery run will be around Port Elizabeth with a mini obstacle track included so 4x4's are necessary to take part. Obstacle course will be very easy though so even a softroader will manage.
Who: Entry is open to anyone with a 4x4. Feel free to get your friends to join us.
Contact Details
Contact Person: | Nick Slojberg |
Telephone: | +27 (0)83 455 1889 |
Cellphone: | +27 (0)74 102 6208 |
Email: | |
Venue: | Diaz Club Newton Park PE |
Event Address: | 3rd Avenue Newton Park Port Elizabeth |