PE Art Meander 2019

Follow a map to various artists' personal studios and locations, where they will be displaying and selling their work. You will get to meet the artists in their “natural environment”.
1 hour Demos on various topics at various locations and times, will be held through the weekend.
On display: Painting, pottery, sculpture, drawing, photography, wood turning and more.
Fri: 25 October 2019……...1pm to 4pm
Sat: 26 October 2019……..9am to 4pm
Sun: 27 October 2019….…9am to 4pm
Maps: Will be available to purchase closer to the event. Details to follow.
Starting Points:
1. Art on Target, 2 Target Kloof, Essexvale, P.E. - Bretten- Anne
2. Angel Wings Ceramics Studio, Corner of Alabaster St & Lower Valley Rd, Brickmakerskloof, P.E. - Entre from Alabaster Street - Monique
3. Periwinkle Studio, 114 Marine Drive, Schoenmakerskop - Talbot
Artist and Demo Program: For the list of the 1 hour demo program and a little about the Artists - email Cindy.
Contact: Cindy Oberholzer -
Check out our Facebook page: Port Elizabeth Art Meander for more details.
Contact Details
Contact Person: | ART on Target |
Telephone: | 041 373 3334 |
Email: | | |
Venue: | ART on Target |
Event Address: | 2 Target Kloof Road |