SACQSP Conference September 2011

Please Note: This event has already taken place. Please check our events list for current events.
01 September 2011 - 02 October 2011
SACQSP Conference September 2011


The scope of the conference is to encourage active debate amongst researchers, post-graduate students and practitioners. Submissions by students, personnel who are working in the built environment discipline and those who are concerned with the challenges that the built environment profession faces, are particularly welcome. The conference seeks to explore current advances in research relevant to the present and future state of development of the professions’ and industry, nationally and globally. Papers should focus on new research themes, practices and topics, innovative research strategies or well articulated methodologies applied in the professions’ context. Reporting on work recently completed or work in progress is especially welcomed. The aim is to address the role and the contribution of all who add value to the industry’s and professions’ performance.


Papers will be accepted within the broad areas of the profession and construction development. Papers with similar themes will be grouped for sessions. Topics may include:  

·         Sustainable construction

·         Innovation in construction

·         Construction industry development

·         Human resource development

·         Trends and challenges in construction

·         Property investment

·         Challenges facing the profession


Authors are invited to submit abstracts in English of not more than 300 words for peer review by the Scientific and Technical Committee. Each abstract should be submitted on a single side of A4 paper, depicting the topic area that the proposed paper will address. The name(s) and full contact details of the author(s), as well as specific details pertaining to their role (study-leader, researcher etc.). Abstracts will be reviewed according to the relevance to the aims and objectives of the conference; originality of subject matter; likely academic rigour of the proposed paper; and likely contribution to knowledge, or practical relevance, of the proposed paper. The abstract template to be used and the paper and oral presentation guidelines can be downloaded from the documents below. 


·         Submission of abstract : 31 March 2011

·         Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 April 2011 

·         Submission of draft paper: 15 June 2011

·         Notification of paper acceptance: 8 July 2011

·         Submission of final paper: 29 July 2011


Submit abstracts and papers as e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to: Each paper will be sent to at least two referees who are knowledgeable in the field for blind peer reviewing of papers. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present the papers, which will be published in the Conference Proceedings CD. Note that at least one of the authors must register, attend the conference and present the paper, as a condition for publication. 

Authors who will not be able to present their papers must please identify the presenters as well. A short CV of authors and presenters must be forwarded at the same time as the paper submission. Authors are also required to complete the “Author’s Personal Data” and “Presenter’s Personal Data” insofar as they may be applicable. 


Thursday, 1st September 2011

Full day: Council subcommittee meetings and HOD meeting

18:30: Registration and Ice Breaker Function


Friday, 2nd September 2011

08:00 – 08:30 Registration

Morning: Welcome, Keynote Address and Presentation of Papers

Afternoon: Presentation of Papers

19:00: Prize-giving and Sundowner function

For more information click here: SACQSP Conference 2011


Contact Details

Contact Person: Dr Gerrit Crafford
Telephone: +27 41 504 2153
Fax: +27 41 504 1488


Venue: Summerstrand Hotel
Event Address: Marine Drive, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Please Note: This event has already taken place. Please check our events list for current events.