Traditionally the Saturday night at The Addo Rose and Garden Show has been dark. The show grounds were locked up and the roses left to rest until Sunday morning, when members of the public could again partake in the bounty the show has to offer. 2010 was the year that all of that changed and in 2011 we continue the new tradition. Smooth Jazz on Saturday will keep the gates of the Rose show open well into the night. Addo Tourism, in an initiative to keep visitors to the Rose and Garden show with us for an extra day, arranged an evening of chilled out jazz sounds to fill the country air. As the final whistle blows to signal the end of the rugby fixtures of the day the sound of music will fill the grounds of the Valentine Hall in a fitting finale for the day. Food stalls will remain open, the beer tent will be abuzz and the rose exhibition will be open to the sounds of VUDU, a dynamic young trio of musicians form the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s Music Department. Led by pianist, Virgil Matrass, VUDU was formed to be the resident jazz band for the Radison Blu Hotel in Port Elizabeth, but their following soon became to big for just one hotel. Virgil, who is majoring in both classical and Jazz piano at NMMU is also a talented composer and audience members are sure to be treated to a couple of his new works on the night. Joining him is drummer Kristo Zondagh and bass player Alec Mackay. Alec is a full time music student, whilst Kristo splits his time between architecture and music. From classic standards to happening new tunes VUDU is sure to keep everyone entertained. Addo Tourism will use the evening to say thank you to its members and to present the annual Golden Tusk Awards. Five years ago Addo Tourism decided that the time was right to honour individuals in our midst that walk the extra mile within our communities or whose achievements have been recognised nationally or even internationally but are often overlooked locally. The Golden Tusks are presented in three broad catagories – community service, conservation and tourism. Previous recipients of the Golden Tusk Awards have included Peter & Barbara Burton, Muffy Miller, The Kirkwood SPCA, James & Debbie Miller of Woodall Country House, Temba Mangcaka of the Mayibuye Trust and Archie & Maritjie Hitge of Hitgeheim Country Lodge. The common thread that bind these folk together is their determination to make Addo a better place for those who live here as well as to go out of their way to make our visitors feel welcome here. This years recipients will be no different. Join us for an evening of unforgettable smooth jazz sounds, the wonderful sight of 20 000 roses and the honour to thank those in our midst that walk the extra mile. VUDU will kick off proceedings at 19:00 on the 8th of October 2010 at the Addo Rose and Garden Show Valentine Hall in Addo