Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism (NMBT) has welcomed the announcement by Minster Environmental Affairs Mrs B Molewa to put the development of the Algoa Bay Fish farm on hold.
We wish to again reiterate that whilst we understand the value and need for the fish farm in the future with regards to job creation, aquaculture projects as well as diminishing resources, the concern remained that the current location would have immediate and potentially disastrous negative impact on the tourism sector.
With further investigation, consultations with tourism and other businesses in Nelson Mandela Bay as well as feasibility studies that are to be undertaken; it is hoped that the value of tourism will not be underestimated. The tourism sector contributes, through direct and indirect spend as recorded in the last financial year, R13 billion to the local GDP, sustaining over 33 700 jobs. Minister Molewa has requested further feasibility and consultation studies to be undertaken
Should the fish farm, however, find suitable alternative locations - which we have been advised is available - the tourism industry and fish farm could co-exist in the destination, creating greater opportunities and income.
Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism will await the outcome of the re-evaluation of the studies and assessment of sites for Sea Based Aquaculture Development Zones in future. Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism has a continuous stance of supporting sustainable tourism principles at all levels, including environmental conservation and nature education; especially with regards to the marine and coastal aspects.
For more about the decision and report from Minister of Environmental Affairs, Mr B Molewa, visit