Annual Bonsai Show - 23 & 24 November 2024.

14 November 2024
Annual Bonsai Show - 23 & 24 November 2024.

How "Old" does a tree have to be before it becomes a Bonsai? Well that depends, upon species, style, and then of coarse, in the end, the age of the tree, anything from 3 years old to a 100 years old plus...  Sometimes you are lucky and find good material, either in a garden or in nature.  


But please note, you may not remove any trees, stones etc from the bush or beaches without the necessary licences and permits which we, as a club have to renew each year.and we are governed as to where we may dig.


If trees could talk, they would tell you how much love, care they receive when members chose them,as they are pampered, styled, fed and protected from bugs and end up living a longer and happier life. in a loving environment, sunlight, water, fertilizer are essential to promote healthy growth.  Unfortunately, people buy or are given a Bonsai, put it on their coffee table, office desk or window sill in full sun and then wonder why it dies.  It is a Bonsai Tree not a pot plant.  Yes there are some species that will grow indoors, but a Bonsai must have it's normal elements, wind, rain, and sun In moderation, so choosing the right placement for your tree is important.  Trees grown as Bonsai to live a lot longer than those in the wild.  We have trees in the club that are well over 80 year and in the Smith's Institute in America have living trees over a 1000 year's old.


How do we find a suitable trees to grow as a Bonsais? Join the club, You are never too old or too young to start.  Our youngest member was 7 when she joined having dragged her mom to the show.  Mom has now taken over the reins and is an active member in our are very active and social club.

This year for a change, various members will be displaying their own trees in a style of their choosing. There will be over 100 trees on show and with various types of tree being different in shape and age.


There will be demo's by members on Saturday at 1am with Mike Shute and 2pm with Laurie Stone.  Sunday at 11am with Edward Kieck and 1pm with Clifton Marais.  Trees, Pots, tools, soil and other items will be on sale.  Free advice from senior members on problem trees as well as a re-potting service available for a nominal fee. 

There will also be our normal raffle which includes a Bonsai tree as well as fantastic spot gifts to be won.


Venue German Club Lorraine: 23 and 24th November 2024

Entrance for over 18 is R30.  Scholars free

Doors open on Saturday 9 am - 4.30 pm  and on Sunday 9 am - 3.30 pm on Sunday


For mor info, please contact Jenny Shute on 083 999 1058.