Entries for the 92nd SPAR River Mile have opened ahead of the festival of sporting events taking place at Sundays River over the weekend 20th & 21st February 2016. South Africa's oldest open water swimming event, the River Mile, will be just one of the many family sporting events on offer during the 92nd celebration of this iconic event.
The packed weekend of activities will comprise of the Off-Road Saturday theme and the River Mile Sunday. Saturday’s events include the popular Wimpy 5km family fun run, the Oracle Media/Black Sheep Mountain Bike races, The HYDRAssist® Wetsuit Double Mile, News Café P.E. Disabled Mile and the First Choice® Family ½ Mile. An exciting addition is also the Nutritech Maxi and Mini Tri competition which sees participants combined times for the Fun Run, MTB races and the family ½ Mile being added together to get a placing.
Sunday’s program starts off with the Wakaberry Kids across the river races for children 12 years and under who aren’t doing the Mile race. This is followed by the SPAR Ladies Mile 1.30pm and the SPAR Men’s Mile at 2.30pm.
Online entries are discounted and an Early bird special during December not only sees a discounted entry fee across all events but sees all Mile and Double Mile entrants receiving a complimentary 2016 River Mile t-shirt. See to secure your entry soonest. The 2016 festival will include an exciting array of vendors and crafters together with the Wimpy Rotary Kids Zone and the Castle Lite Beer Garden to ensure something for the whole family and an awesome day out. Festival entry fee will be just R20 with kids under the age of 10 years free. Regrettably no pets are permitted into the festival area.